Bulletin info for April 26, 2009

Worship Leader: Marcus Diener
Song Leader: Chris Wansley



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


This weekend, May 2-3, Jubilee will host the Spring Inspirational gathering of the Gulf States Mennonite Conference. The theme will be "What the Lord Has Done in Me." Everyone is welcome to participate for the entire day on Saturday or any part of it. See the bulletin insert and the green poster on the bulletin board next to the office for the schedule and details. Questions, see Duane Maust or Lisa Shelly.

As part of hosting the conference event this weekend, we are responsible for the meals. We would greatly appreciate any help in providing food for everyone who attends. Jan has a list of food that is needed if you would like to sign up for that. If you would prefer to donate money towards food, that would be very helpful as well. Please see Jan today.

On May 16 from 8:00-12:00, Jubilee will host a Music Clinic in which elementary age students will be able to experience several aspects of music including singing, drums, dance, and other musical activities. If you are interested, complete the registration form on the table by the stairs. Questions, contact Theresa Ladnier Chisolm.

Children, in your family's mailbox, you will find the recent issue of hello. Read to learn about Emmanuel Fumunguya, an 11 year-old boy from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. You will learn many interesting things about this country in Africa.

The minutes from the church council meeting in April have been placed in your mailboxes and posted on the bulletin board. Questions, see Mike Clymer. The next council meeting will be on May 13.

Congratulations to Ethan, Kimberly, and Mobius Stubblefield! Lydian arrived Friday afternoon at 4:30. She was 7 1/2 pounds.

If you have items for the May calendar, please contact DeeDee Baldwin this week.

Happy Birthday to Elaine Maust (Apr 29), Jan Reynolds (Apr 29), Kimberly Stubblefield (May 1), and Kendaisha Crowell (May 1)!