Bulletin info for July 20, 2008

Listen Up, People!
Jubilee Bible School 2008

Worship Leader: Duane Maust
Song Leader: Theresa Ladnier Chisolm, Chris Wansley



Everyone is invited to join us for the potluck in the gym following the service. Scheduled to help with cleanup are the Wansleys, Landises, Cynthia Clymer, and Coltons. Questions, see Bonnie Opel.

This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Thanks to all who so generously helped with Bible School this week. We had about 60 children participate throughout the week, and over 40 youth and adults gave of their time to volunteer. We appreciate everyone's involvement.

Gifts Discernment sheets (where each person can express which roles he/she would like for the upcoming year) need to be given to Lisa Shelly today. Questions, contact one of the gifts discernment team: Duane, Jeff, Dianna, Paul, Fern, or Lisa.

Information about Family Camp is posted on the bulletin board next to the office. Family Camp is a Gulf States Conference activity on Labor Day weekend at Pine Lake Camp. Everyone is welcome to attend all or any part of the weekend. You only need to make reservations if you’d like to stay overnight. Questions, see Lisa Shelly.

Jubilee’s fiscal year ends July 31. If you have any outstanding receipts to submit for reimbursement, please turn those in to Mike Clymer by next Sunday, July 27.

The Finance Committee will be meeting very soon to propose a budget for next year. If you have requests for increases in current budget items or suggestions for new items, see Howie Schiedel, Mike Clymer, Millie Floyd, or James Dominici.

Children, in your family's mailbox you will find the new issue of hello. In this issue, you will learn about Lucas, an 11 year old, and about his country, Mozambique.

A thank-you letter has been posted on the bulletin board from Mennonite Women USA for the recent donation from our church.

Happy Birthday to Lykaseia Colton (July 21)!