Bulletin info for July 26, 2009

Worship Leader: Edea Baldwin
Song Leader: Erin Scruggs



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events

Everyone is encouraged to come to the congregational meetings scheduled in August. These important discernment times set the course for Jubilee for the coming year. Anyone who attends Jubilee is encouraged to participate and vote (membership is not required). Nursery is provided. For more info, talk to Mike Clymer, congregational chair.

Please contact Anita Wansley, ministry coordinator, for building use reservations and concerns. If you plan to use the building for meetings, etc. please let Anita know and put your event on the building use calendar in the copy room. Thanks for your help in this!

If you have info for the August calendar, please contact DeeDee Baldwin (edeainfj@gmail.com or 601-479-1424) this week.

Happy Birthday to Sharon Dufour (Jul 30), and Happy Anniversary to Mike & Melody Clymer (Jul 27)!