Bulletin info for June 8, 2008

Sunday School Opening:
Greeter: James Dominici
Worship Leader: Joel Beachy
Song Leader: Howie Schiedel, Erin Scruggs
Nursery: Christine Maust Beachy (SS), Anita Wansley (Service)



This Week at Jubilee...

Upcoming Events


Next Sunday, June 15, we encourage everyone to be present during the Sunday School hour to do a spiritual gifts survey. All adults and youth will meet in small groups to take the survey and discuss the results. Special activities will be provided for the children. Donuts and coffee will be provided. Questions, see Lisa or Fern.

Thanks to everyone who responded with how they are willing to help with Bible School. We will be contacting you this week about how we'd like you to help. Our theme is "Listen Up! Messages from God." We will meet five interesting prophets from the Bible: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Amos, and Daniel and will discover that God's message still holds true for people today. Bible School will be July 14-18 from 6:00-8:00 each evening. Questions, see Lisa Shelly or Regi Martinez.

The June issue of Jubilee's newsletter, Where We Are, is in your mailboxes.

Please note that this month's pot luck has been moved from June 15 to June 22.

Happy Birthday to Chuck Spence (June 8) and Cameron Garrett (June 9)!