
Jubilee is a Christian family of faith. We believe in salvation through Jesus and the inspiration of the Bible. We try to follow the teachings of Jesus in the way we live each day.

Jubilee began about thirty years ago, meeting in a renovated house on Hooper Street. Many other churches in Meridian – Highland United Methodist, Saint Paul’s Episcopal, and Central Presbyterian – gave Jubilee a place to meet over the years. We were so grateful for those opportunities that we look for ways to share our own building now.

We show our love for God through service to the community. Community of Hope outreach program is one way we hope to share the generous love of God with friends in Meridian.

God has been good to us! We are thankful to be forgiven from our sins and to have the peace of God in our hearts every day. We know that God is reaching out to others in our town through us with the Good News that there is hope for a new life.

If you are looking for peace with God, if you do not have a church home, or if you are looking for a new church family, join us! Our family can be your family. Everyone is very welcome at Jubilee.

If you have questions about how to find peace with God or about the Mennonite Church, please ask us.

Kelsey Luke and Joel Diener

Transitional Ministry Team


Richard and Wanda Good, Harrisonburg, VA

May 7, 2017at 7:30 am

We have been much impressed with the devotionals Jessica Chisolm wrote in Rejoice this week! We could hardly believe the writer is a high school student! We hope we will hear more from her in the future. We trust you can somehow pass this word of encouragement on to her.

Carolyn Carkner

March 20, 2018at 9:11 am

We read Rejoice daily and found Jessica Chisolm’s devotionals exceptional for a teenager. Jack and I are members at Waterloo Mennonite Brethren in Ontario. We are retired and work with seniors and young adults.
We recently traveled to India with TourImagination. What an enlightening trip that was!
Thank Jessica for us and wish her all the best in the future, please.

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