Church Covenant

God has called us, as individuals and as a church family, to be wise and faithful stewards of our time, our material resources, and our natural and spiritual gifts. In gratitude for what God has given us, and in recognition of our accountability to God and to one another, we make this mutual covenant.

With Christ as our model and as the Spirit enables us, we promise:

    * to love one another (John 13:34-35; Rom 13:8-10; I Cor 13; 1 John 3:11-24)
    * to serve one another (Mark 10:35-45; Gal 5:13; Phil 2:5-8; I Peter 4:10-11)
    * to forgive one another (Matt 18:21-35; Eph 4:32; Col 3:13)
    * to accept and be patient with one another (Luke 6:37-42; Rom 15:7; Eph 4:1-3)
    * to submit to one another (Eph 5:21; Phil 2:1-11)
    * to pray for, build up, and encourage one another (Eph 4:29; James 5:16)
    * to care for one another and bear one another’s burdens (Rom 15:1; Gal 6:2)
    * to teach, admonish, and disciple one another (Gal 6:1; Col 3:16; I Tim 4:11-16; II Tim 4:2)
    * to live simply and share our resources with one another (Acts 4:32-37; II Cor 8:1-15; James 2:14-17)
    * to be kind to and speak well of one another (Eph 4:29, 32)
    * to be truthful with and confess our sins to one another (Matt 5:33-37; Eph 4:15, 25; James 5:16)
    * to welcome one another and practice hospitality (Rom 12:13; Heb 13:1-3)

Beyond the Jubilee family, we promise to:

    * reach out to our communities with ministries of evangelism, empowerment, and compassion (Is 52:7; Luke 4:18-19; Luke 10:25-37; Rom 10:14-15; James 1:27)
    * cooperate with other churches to promote Christian witness (John 17:20-23; I Cor 1:10)
    * love our enemies (Matt 5:43-48; Rom 12:14, 17-21)
    * promote justice and peacemaking in the name of Christ (Amos 5:24; Micah 6:1-8; Matt 5:9; Matt 25:31-46)

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